You can add classes to elements at specific steps in your presentation. To do this import the addSteps
action. You can use this action to specify which classes you want to add and when. Step
always represents the inital slide when you enter it. You can add classes in 2 different
in front of the class. You can also just specify one step number (the
range is optional). For example: step-1:one-class
and a classes
property. Example:
use:addSteps={[ { steps: '0, 3-5', classes: 'scale-125 bg-gray-900' } ]}
You should use the 2nd method for Tailwind classes to avoid them from being purged. The 2nd method
also allows you to separate multiple steps with commas. For example: '1, 3, 5-8'
will automatically update the maxSteps
store to the highest step
value you specified.
You can use the animate.css
library to easily add transitions to your elements. Check out the documentation for a full list of
available animations. You can use method 1 for these types of classes. In the example below the image
will fade in from the left when entering the slide (at step
), using the animate__fadeInLeft
Animate.css' class, and fade out to
the right at step 1
You can also add Tailwind classes stepwise. To do this you have to use method 2, otherwise
Tailwind will purge the classes. Pass the steps and classes you want to add as an argument to the addSteps